Distinguished Research Award

Distinguished Research Award

The Distinguished Research Award recognizes empirical research completed within Pennsylvania that has implications for theory and practice.  The research must follow accepted empirical research guidelines and be relevant to PAC-TE's mission.


Individuals who wish to apply must meet the following criteria:

  1. Research has been completed (i.e., data analyzed and results obtained, conclusions drawn) within the last 3 years
  2. Research was conducted at a PAC-TE member institution (note: PAC-TE member institutions must have been a member for at least 1 year)
  3. Research findings were published in a professional journal or professional conference proceedings

Selection Criteria

  1. The research is closed related to PAC-TE’s mission.
  2. A clearly stated hypothesis and supporting research background are clearly provided within context of the research.
  3. Clearly stated procedures and data collection methodologies.
  4. Outcomes and conclusions are thoroughly and clearly described.
  5. Implications for practice are relevant and contribute to the knowledge base.
  6. The manuscript is organized effectively and logically, presents a well-developed position, and provides evidence to support the conclusions.
  7. The research contributes to the research literature and guides future research.

How to Apply

Complete the application form below.

For which award are you applying? *

Clear Selection
Name(s) and Contact Information of Nominee [Please include Name, Institutional Affiliation, Telephone, Email and Mailing Address] *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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Title of the Research: *
If this work has been submitted for consideration for any type of publication or conference, provide that information here:

Clear Selection
Please provide a brief statement explaining how you meet the selection criteria for the Distinguished Research award (how it is closely related to PAC-TE’s mission; your use of quality methodology; and the implications for practice): *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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Upload documents evidencing your research here. *


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717.516.8893 | joel@pac-te.org
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