Application for Outstanding Dissertation Award

Outstanding Dissertation Award

The Outstanding Dissertation Award recognizes excellence in doctoral dissertation research that contributes to the field of educator preparation or professional teaching practice. The research must follow accepted empirical guidelines and be relevant to PAC-TE's mission. 


Individuals who wish to apply must meet the following criteria:

  1. Defended the dissertation within the past 3 years;
  2. Received a doctorate from a PAC-TE member institution of higher education within the past three years, or currently employed at a PAC-TE member institution (note: PAC-TE member institutions must have been a member for at least 1 year).
  3. Doctorate is in a field related to education.

  Selection Criteria

  1. The research is closely related to PAC-TE’s mission.
  2. A strong rationale for the study is persuasive, and relevant research questions are evident.
  3. Implications for practice are relevant and contribute to the knowledge base.

How to Apply

1. Gather required information.

2. Submit application using the form below. The Awards Committee will select the top three proposals and may request complete dissertations for final review.

For which award are you applying? *

Clear Selection
Dissertation Title: *
Name(s) and Contact Information of Applicant(s) [Please include Name, Institutional Affiliation, Telephone, Email and Mailing Address] *
Year of successful dissertation defense: *

Clear Selection
Check all that apply (For multiple selections, hold the Ctrl key and click on each): *
Please provide a brief statement explaining how you meet the selection criteria for the Outstanding Dissertation award (e.g., relationship to PAC-TE’s mission; persuasive, relevant rationale for the research questions; and the potential impact on educator preparation): *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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